
Trade Indices With EveraFx

Indices as they are also commonly known, are actual stoXM indexes, which measure the value of a specific section of a stoXM. They are calculated based on a weighted average of the prices of selected stocks, which belong to the actual category that they represent.


Does Your Portfolio Need More Diversification?

Choose to trade CFDs on the DAX30, S&P500, ASXSPI200, and more than 15 more important global indices. You never have to select from 100,000 publicly traded companies and make different offers, unlike when trading stocks. By forecasting the general movement of the market, you can speculate on the price of shares that are grouped together.

With the help of more than 20 analytical tools, develop the ideal trading plan. With a registered broker by your side, place timely bids with a high execution speed and dominate the market.

Available Indices On EveraFx

Take Over the Major World Indices With EveraFx

You can start trading CFDs without having to make any direct investments. Prominent international indices such as the FTSE 100, S&P 500, DAX30, and others are good places to start. These indices encompass a selection of stocks that collectively reflect the performance of specific markets. Enjoy trading and instant platform access from any device.

160+ CFD Assets

Trade CFDs on 160+ assets and enjoy an incredible choice of Forex currency pairs

20+ Analytical Tools

Master the rapid market changes with the best available analytics tools.

Cutting-Edge Trading Platform

Experience seamless trading with instant access to our advanced online trading platform

24/7 Dedicated Support

Our dedicated team is available 24/7, ready to provide platform guidance, answer your questions
